ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Howard County Executive Calvin Ball is seeking three community members to serve on the Housing and Community and Development Board. The deadline to apply for consideration is Friday, June 12th.
“With the recent announcement of the Opportunities for Wealth-Building Now (OWN) Initiative, Howard County is committed to expanding access to affordable housing in our community. The Housing and Community Development Board is a vital partner in that effort,” said Ball. “We want to engage residents with housing experience to help us evaluate programs and policies that will enhance housing options for individuals and families to live and work in Howard County.”
Comprised of seven members, the Board provides recommendations related to affordable housing opportunities for low- and moderate-income residents, supports initiatives for development of new housing units, and reviews funding requests from developers for gap financing and PILOTs (payments-in-lieu-of-taxes). The board also reviews data to evaluate the success of housing programs and funding initiatives. Potential board members should be interested in advocating for affordable rental and homeownership opportunities throughout Howard County.
To be eligible for consideration, candidates must be a Howard County resident over the age of 18 and be able to attend up to six board meetings a year, generally on the second Thursday of every other month from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. via WebEx. Board members will serve a three-year term.
Interested applicants should complete an application online by visiting www.howardcountymd.gov/applybc and selecting “Housing and Community Development” in the form. The names of eligible applicants will be submitted to the County Executive for consideration. If approved, the appointment will be forwarded to the County Council for confirmation. For any questions regarding the application process, please email Klewis@howardcountymd.gov.
For more information on the Housing and Community Development Board, visit www.howardcountymd.gov/DHCD-