The Senate passed the measure by unanimous consent recently
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), a senior member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, today applauded the Senate’s passage of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA 2024), which is the primary authorization for the Civil Works programs of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and enables their critical work to manage our nation’s water resources. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers works to maintain our ports and harbors, inland navigation, and provide communities with flood and storm protection.
“Simply put, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers makes Maryland safer, healthier, and more productive. The Maryland Delegation has always understood the importance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s deep expertise in executing complex projects, but after the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge this March, the whole world witnessed their professionalism first hand. I am proud to support this legislation, which will enable the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to execute their mission and advance several important Maryland projects.”
“The Senate-passed bill includes a wide range of important provisions for Maryland’s economy and its environmental priorities, including climate resilience. The legislation advances my longstanding effort to support oyster restoration projects, which are critical to Chesapeake Bay restoration, and my work to expand the use of dredged spoil to restore ecosystems as is done at Poplar and Mid-Bay Islands. In addition, the legislation supports economic development at the Port of Baltimore, which is the economic powerhouse of the state. No less important, it enables dredging projects in small harbors in Maryland, which are vitally important to local tourism economies.”
Key Maryland Wins in WRDA 2024:
Seagirt Loop Channel
WRDA 2024 authorizes $64 million towards deepening the federal channel at Seagirt Marine Terminal. Seagirt is the Port of Baltimore’s main container terminal, handling 97 percent of its container volume. This project proposes to further widen and deepen (to a 50-foot depth) a channel near terminal so that large container vessels can more efficiently enter and depart the terminal.
Oyster Program Authorization Increase
WRDA 2024 increases the program authorization for oyster restoration to $120 million. The Army Corps’ program for oyster restoration (“704b”) has completed important work in Maryland tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay including in Harris Creek and the Tred Avon River.
Small Waterways and Community Harbors
WRDA 2024 builds off a provision Senator Cardin secured in WRDA 2022 to support small harbor dredging. These projects are critical for sustaining working waterfronts and tourism businesses, but historically don’t rise to the top of the Army Corp’s list of priority channels. Through WRDA 2024, I am continuing to push the Corps to capture the full range of benefits these harbors have in Chesapeake Bay communities, including how dredge material can be used for ecosystem restoration, in their project decisions.
In addition, the legislation includes a Sense of Congress that states shallow draft dredging in the Chesapeake Bay is critical for tourism, recreation, and the fishing industry and that additional dredging is needed. It encourages the Army Corps to use existing statutory authorities to address the dredging needs at small harbors and channels in the Chesapeake Bay.
Baltimore Coastal Storm Risk Management Projects
WRDA 2024 directs the USACE to complete expeditiously the Baltimore Coastal Storm Risk Management Study, which examines the coastal storm risk to Baltimore and its critical structural infrastructure.
Feasibility Study for Coastal Highway (Route 528)
The bill authorizes a feasibility study for Route 528 near Ocean City, Maryland. The route follows the Atlantic Coast and is highly vulnerable to damage from erosion, flooding, and waves caused by coastal storms. The Army Corps-partnered study will help identify measures to help protect public infrastructure as well as lives and property and ensure access in times of emergency.
Feasibility Study for Route 50 in Prince George’s County
The bill authorizes a feasibility study for Route 50 is a key connector corridor between Washington and Baltimore, but it is prone to flooding during extreme storms. Specifically, flooding from Beaverdam Creek can affect both vehicular traffic and CSX and Amtrak rail traffic. The Army Corps feasibility study will help identify possible solutions for mitigating this flooding.
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Ricardo Whitaker | Owner / Publisher