“In addition to their energy demands, the direct environmental impact of data centers on water resources and air quality will challenge our shared public health, clean energy and environment goals”
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD.), a senior member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, has written to the Maryland Public Service Commission expressing his concerns about the Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project. The proposed route, through Carroll, Frederick, and Baltimore counties, could have a negative impact on rural communities, including Maryland farmland and wildlife habitats. Senator Cardin urges the Commission to “take into account the consequences of the project on the State’s agricultural sector, historic heritage, and conservation goals.”
In the letter, Cardin wrote: “I urge the Commission to engage with community stakeholders, landowners, and local conservation and preservation organizations to gather insights on how best to lessen the project’s impacts. It is imperative the decision-making process reflects a comprehensive understanding of the social and environmental implications of the proposed project.”
In addition, Senator Cardin has written to Governor Wes Moore, urging him to carefully weigh “the benefits of data centers to Marylanders against the substantial negative impacts that the unmitigated development of data centers would have on our already overburdened grid, ratepayers, and environment … In addition to their energy demands, the direct environmental impact of data centers on water resources and air quality will challenge our shared public health, clean energy and environment goals.”
While recognizing their “value to innovation and economic growth” Cardin is asking the governor to seek a “thoughtful and sustainable data center siting policy.”
The letter to the Maryland Public Service Commission can be found here.
The letter to Governor Wes Moore can be found here.