Letter to the Editor
This election cycle, the worst of us won in the majority, but why? The answer doesn’t lie within Trump nor the GOP. The answer lies within the party that remarkably lost the popular vote and thus the majority of people in this country who said they stand with the Democrats. As much as the Left might not want to hear it, they have no choice but to self-reflect if they hope to right the ship because — what good does having any moral stances do when you’re not the party in power?
The answer to all of this should be simple: Abortion, prices and the economy. That’s all that needs to be messaged on and hammered on repeat. Trying to primary Seth Moulton on his stance of Trans women in women’s sports isn’t the answer. In fact, as much as Democrats don’t want to admit it, it’s an issue that divides Democrats almost in half. And those that might hear his words might treat him as “Trans-phobic”, but in fact he’s not. Trans-phobia is mistreating trans people as less than human and I don’t know a single Democrat that wants that.
They want available healthcare and counseling early to equal acceptance as a person. But when you take this into the realm of sports, there are always biological questions and this isn’t a new thing. From questioning the advantages of a raised pitcher’s mound, spit on a ball, corked bats, air pressure in a football and steroids, there have always been concerns in sports about unfair advantages. But this issue is incredibly divisive on the left and gets away from the three things that I pointed to for Democrats to win elections.
You also have the Free Palestine Movement. I know people will deny some of the anti-Semitic actions from the extremist left on this, but I have seen enough of it happening from people that I know more personally that I believe it’s more than just “outliers”. I’ve seen people from that movement brandish Nazi symbols to Jewish people, and wave the Hamas flag. These aren’t decried from people in the Democratic party, but rather denied and when people see these things happen and hearing the denials, it’s reflected on the party that is supposed to be anti-racist and pro tolerance.
And thirdly, the candidates Democrats picked to run against Trump were all picked by the DNC. In 2016, they chose HRC [Hilary Rodham Clinton] over Sanders. In 2020 they chose Biden over Sanders and in 2024 they chose Harris over any possible choice by the voters. Do you see the irony of a political party that’s running to “Save Democracy” picking the candidate over the people? In fearing Bernie Sanders and usurping the primary process from him, Democrats quietly said “Eff Socialism” to the tune of how the Right rejects it. Now, they are left without a leader and an identity while still trying to blame someone else for the faults that they caused to lose elections.
So, just like Bill Maher expressed it, I was looking for someone to champion what I cared about: equality, environmental protection and working class protection and now I’m ‘left’ without a champion. One that can’t message well and win elections is one that is useless to me. And as Jon Stewart expressed, “Republicans are playing chess while Democrats are in the nurse’s office because they glued their b—s to their thigh.” If Democrats want to fight, they should be fighting for the loopholes and not rolling over and shouting at McConnell for finding that loophole to steal a SCOTUS nomination.
Matthew Sampson – Columbia, Maryland
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