ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Howard County Executive Calvin Ball recently unveiled the exciting new design of the County’s Department of Recreation & Parks’ East Columbia Library Park. It’s been 10 years since the park was first designed and now, it will finally move forward. Building upon a new park design, the park will be even more welcoming of its local neighborhoods.
“At the heart of every successful park, lies the voices of those who call it home,” said Ball. “In listening to and working with members of the Owen Brown community, we have collaborated every step of the way to design a space that truly resonates with this diverse community. Collectively, we have created a vibrant, local park that beckons individuals of all ages and abilities to come together, while embracing nature and recreation and crafting new experiences.”
The new park design includes a playground, pavilion, two grass fields and a walking path. Right next door to the park at Lake Elkhorn Middle School, visitors will also find youth baseball and softball fields and the County’s sixth cricket pitch, specifically designed for youth cricket players, which opened in 2022.
“Community feedback, ideas, and passion are the driving forces behind our mission to create the best possible parks, community amenities and programs,” said Nick Mooneyhan, Director, Department of Recreation & Parks. “When we heard that the wants and needs for this future park had changed for our Village of Owen Brown neighbors, we went back to the planners and architects to ensure that this community would enjoy and gather at East Columbia Library Park. Thank you to all who contributed to the recreation of this wonderful neighborhood park.”

“There’s a lot of positive things going on in Owen Brown, and I just want to say thank to everyone who’s been a part of getting those things done. Whether that’s from a community perspective, or the County’s perspective of being responsive to our requests,” said Michael Golibersuch, Board Chair, Village of Owen Brown Board Chair.
“Parks are a community necessity because they motivate and inspire us to live active lifestyles, and strengthen and increase community engagement. My hope for the Columbia Library Park… to continue to promote awareness and education and a sense of community,” said Mae Beale, Board Member, Village of Owen Brown Board Member.
This location is really important, because it’s kind of like the missing link that brings the library, the park, the village center…the lake, and the schools. So, it all ties together in one central location,” said Any Stacks, Columbia Association Board of Directors for Owen Brown. “I want to thank County Executive Ball, Director of Recreation and Parks Mooneyhan and all the people involved in bringing this concept to fruition. It is going to be an amenity not only for Owen Brown, but for all the surrounding communities.”
Construction for this project is anticipated to begin in Spring of 2025, with a completion in Spring of 2026.