The first village of Columbia is set to receive dedicated news coverage by the Howard Courier.
In Wilde Lake, there’s a grocery store and restaurant on the horizon. A fun outdoor festival and Walktober are just days away; and there’s an art gallery at the Village Center that has the most magnificent art as you would find anywhere.
There’s a serene lake in the community suitable for fishing and paddling. Nature trails and bike trails weave all throughout the neighborhoods.
Wilde Lake is where Columbia began. It’s a beautiful area with beautiful people.
Here, there is a Village Board and a Community Association. There is news and information originating from those groups regularly.
While Wilde Lake is generally considered a peaceful place to live, there has been discussion about misbehaving youth from the area, but also violent youth coming from other jurisdictions committing robberies, assaults, and carjackings.
The founder of Columbia lived in Wilde Lake and also the founder of the Columbia Flier. A certain local newscaster who went on to build a nationally-televised talk show lived here.
The question begs, which notable people live here today?
There are newsworthy stories in Wilde Lake. The question is, how do you discover the depth of this wonderful community?
Well, there’s a new asset called the Howard Courier, which is part of a LOCAL news organization, which is ready and now serving Howard County. But that’s not all.
Because the intent of the staff of the Howard Courier is to serve every part of the County, the plan is to provide detailed coverage at the Village level. The Courier is starting with Wilde Lake.
For those who think this is a good idea, you can help move this effort forward by visiting the site daily, downloading the mobile app, accepting push notifications, and if you can afford to do so, buy a subscription.
For those who are active in the community, you probably have ideas and suggestions. You can send those to the Courier.
News outlets are not islands. They thrive on community input and participation. They need financial support as well as news tips to keep the trajectory moving forward.
Today is a good day to check out HowardCourier.com.
Ricardo Whitaker