Serving Howard County, Maryland

Life Skills Class for Grades 6 – 9 #1 (Series of 8 classes)

FREE and back by popular demand!!! HC DrugFree is providing a highly interactive skills-based program designed to promote positive health and personal development for youth in grades 6-9. (For slightly younger or older students, we will […]


Life Skills Class for Grades 6 – 9 #2 (Series of 8 classes)

FREE and back by popular demand!!! HC DrugFree is providing a highly interactive skills-based program designed to promote positive health and personal development for youth in grades 6-9. (For slightly younger or older students, we will […]


Life Skills Class for Grades 6 – 9 #3 (Series of 8 classes)

FREE and back by popular demand!!! HC DrugFree is providing a highly interactive skills-based program designed to promote positive health and personal development for youth in grades 6-9. (For slightly younger or older students, we will […]


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