
Today’s Mobile View is a Bit Wonky, but Operational

Digital generated devices on desktop, responsive blank mock-up with web design fluid template website on screen. All screen graphics are made up.

Today, if you found yourself using the mobile app or the mobile responsive version of the Howard Courier digital platform, you may have experienced an outage or perhaps a wonky screen image with about one-fourth less screen area than usual. If you experienced or are experiencing problems viewing our site, you are not alone.

The Howard Courier news site went live at the end of September. Since that time we’ve been tweaking and improving on the original infrastructure, albeit not without a minor yet constant level of discomfort resolving technical glitches.

Today, while attempting to bring an enhancement online with the new mobile app, an error occurred knocking out the app temporarily. Presently, we are functioning, but with a distorted view on mobile devices.

Our intention is to have the problem resolved on Friday to enable you to enjoy the full richness of this wonderful product.

While we’re here chatting about our temporary outage and other annoyances, let’s take a look at the advantages of this mobile app.

First of all, the Howard Courier mobile app is free. Even without a subscription to our premium content, readers get plenty at no cost. The app itself is easy to load. Simply go to the navigation bar, choose Mobile App and follow the simple instructions. There’s no need to visit the Google Play Store or the Apple Play store. Our app is not there. We are using a Progressive Web Application, which allows us to bypass third parties. We serve you directly.

If you accept the request, you will be able to receive push notifications whenever a new article is posted. This is a great feature for anyone who wants to be first in line with news and information about Howard County. You can easily share your favorite articles by simply applying pressure to your screen for a few seconds to open up the share options.

In the near future, you will be able to choose specific categories of news and information that you desire rather than receiving all notifications.

While this app does not have the ability to allow you to save articles, it is so easy to find what you need by using the search bar or scrolling through the archive box on the page. On the homepage, the archive box contains all articles from the website. On category pages, such as Politics or Entertainment, the archive box houses only articles from those categories.

While you are on the site today, take a look around to discover all that we have to offer. Review our menu options to see what we have and what’s coming. And if you believe that the offerings are worthy, please take time to subscribe and become a member. The Howard Courier needs the financial support of readers just like any news operation.

Our aim is to bring hard-hitting news and investigative reporting, but also the kinder, softer stories that play at your heart strings. We will be able to do all of that and more with the proper moral and financial support from our readers.

The Howard Courier is here for Howard County.



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