CAFE COLUMBIA, 5550 Sterrett Place, Columbia, Maryland 21044
No Cost to Register
7:00 pm – Order food and drink – Network with neighbors – Raffle
7:30 pm – Share the Vision of Journalism in Howard County
8:00 pm – Questions and Answers
8:30 pm – Prizes / Sponsors

As a consumer of news and information and concerned citizen of Howard County, you have an opportunity to learn more about the trajectory of the Howard Courier. What’s the vision, mission and purpose? Who is the owner of publisher? Are there outside interests? What style of journalism will be used? Is the organization left leaning or right leaning, or something else? Is this an organization that connects with readers?
Get your questions answered and win prizes.
The cafe is opening just for Meet the Publisher, but staff will be on hand to sell food and delightful desserts.