In conversations with consumers of news, I have discovered that a large number of residents in Howard County do not have a dedicated source of news and information. I hear things like, I get my news from Apple News or Facebook, or some other aggregator of news.
News aggregators do not produce news. They distribute news from a number of sources – some reputable and others not so reputable. The problem with using aggregators for your news and information is that you have very little control over what news content is put before you.
Maybe you care about an earthquake in Uzbekistan, or maybe you don’t. With news aggregators, you tend to get a mixed bag of news.
To make things worse for Howard residents, there is no full-time news entity within the County.
Your options for news are limited to mostly outside news sources attempting to make inroads to our county. Other sources include updates from social media users who post what they heard or what they saw.
Recently, I signed up for News Break – mostly because I noticed that they borrowed articles from the Guilford Gazette to include in their aggregations. What do I get in my email box? Lots of interesting stories from all over the country. Only on occasion do I actually see local news. Although I care about the tragedies that fall upon people in Wisconsin and Idaho, I do not live in either of those areas. I want local news. News from my neighborhood, my city, and my county.
Local news is the most important news to me. What happens here actually affects my life. And when bad things happen to my neighbors and fellow citizens, I am in a position to actually help.
I am not really a news junkie. I am more of a concerned citizen and a lover of community and the people in the community. News should be about caring for the place we live and for those who live alongside us.
With this care in mind, I began this community newspaper, the Guilford Gazette. Originally, that newspaper was dedicated to a small slice of Howard County – in the east.
Very soon that news entity will resume its original mission and the new Howard Courier will serve the needs of all Howard County residents and institutions.
We need local news by a local publisher. This company, Maryland Newspapers LLC, is local and ready to fill the gap to be a dedicated news source for everyone living and working in the county.
Just imagine one source to find news about all branches of local government and our elected officials. Actually, you would not need to find the news because our news will find you.
Once our new website for Howard Courier is up and running, you will have the opportunity to download the Courier app to your mobile device and set custom notifications for the type of news you care about.
If you want to keep up with crime, just make the selection. If you despise crime news, avoid it altogether and choose something else like Youth news.
It has been a long time since Howard County has had a dedicated news source. The wait is almost over.
If this offer appeals to you, stay tuned for updates by signing up for our daily newsletter or make a pledge to become a subscriber.
My team and I are looking forward to serving you as completely as possible.
Ricardo Whitaker – Owner/Publisher
Someone said, “There’s not much news in Howard County”
Invest in Your Community
As a reader of the Guilford Gazette, you are most likely vested in your community. Here at Maryland Newspapers LLC, we’re also vested. We are in the throes of adding a new asset, the Howard Courier.
With this new entity, we will cover and report news and information from the west to the east side of Howard County.
Our plan calls for up to eight reporters covering everything from Government to restaurants and much more.
But, to be honest, we need a bit of help from you today. With your donation, we can complete the build of our website and jumpstart our marketing efforts.
If you are interested or just curious, click the link below to review our donation page. Using PayPal or credit card, the transaction will only take a few minutes of your time.
The investment you make towards Howard Courier is indeed an investment in your community.
Ricardo Whitaker | Owner / Publisher