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Election season is coming up in a couple months for the Village Board of Dorsey’s Search. Here’s what to know leading up to the elections. There are three Village Board Seats and the Columbia Council Representative (CCR), representing Dorsey’s Search on the Columbia Association Board of Directors open for 2025.…

The Columbia Association held its first Board of Directors meeting of the year on Jan. 23, lasting just over three hours and covering everything from the strategic plan to budgets and the recent snowfall. Despite several topics — namely the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) strategic plan — resulting in a…

Wilde Lake Board Wrestles with Village Election Rules and Protocols Publisher's Note: This article is provided at no charge, for the benefit of the community, until November 10, 2024. The Wilde Lake Village Board Meeting on Monday night began with a bang as Board Member Katharine Rathbun challenged the entire…