Residential burglary
Elkridge, 21075: 7100 block of Ducketts Lane, April 22 6:45 p.m.
Unknown suspect(s) forced open the door of a residence and possibly entered. Nothing was stolen from inside of the residence; a package was stolen from outside of the residence.
Theft from vehicle/vehicle break-in
Laurel, 20723: 8800 block of Gorman Road, April 19-22, nothing reported stolen
Ellicott City, 21043: 8600 block of Town and Country Boulevard, April 21-22 overnight, cash, credit cards
Vehicle theft
Savage, 20763: 8100 block of Woodward Street, April 22-23 overnight
2023 white Chevrolet Malibu, tags TN/UPDAT
HCPD Daily Crime Bulletin, April 13-15, 2024
HCPD Daily Crime Bulletin, April 17, 2024