ELLICOTT CITY, MD – The Howard County Department of Public Works (DPW) has initiated stream inspections and debris clearing in the Historic Ellicott City watershed following severe windstorms on February 16-17, 2025. Comprehensive stream inspections and debris removal are a key component of Howard County Executive Ball’s Ellicott City Safe and Sound Plan, ensuring the safety of residents, business owners, and visitors in Historic Ellicott City. Learn more about the Safe and Sound Plan here.
“Over the holiday weekend, high windstorms have resulted in multiple downed trees throughout the county. Under our Ellicott City Safe and Sound Plan, we prioritize waterway inspections and removal of debris after major rainfall and high winds to ensure that our vulnerable waterways remain clear and unobstructed,” said Howard County Executive Calvin Ball. “Frequent debris clearing helps remove objects that constrict the flow of water in vulnerable stream channels and can worsen flooding during severe storms.”
The enhanced stream inspection and debris removal program was one of the early initiatives adopted under the County Executive Ball’s Safe and Sound Plan, which was launched in December 2018. Since the implementation of this program, Howard County has initiated 25 debris removal events and cleared more than 91,000 pounds of debris from stream channels in and around Ellicott City through a partnership with Howard EcoWorks.
Under protocols established by Ball in December 2018, debris will be removed after any rain event of 2 inches or greater in a 24-hour period, or after an hour of sustained winds over 30mph. Previously, waterways were only inspected on a quarterly or semi-annual basis. Following the initiation of a debris clearing event, all vulnerable waterways are inspected within three business days, and all debris is removed within 14 days of the inspection.
To follow the progress of debris removal efforts and learn more about the Ellicott City Safe and Sound Plan, please visit: https://www.howardcountymd.
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