It has been my experience that true news junkies, activists, community-oriented types, and those concerned with local politics, tend to read newspapers – either the physical form or the electronic version.
There are reasons why newspapers are first with information hounds.
The major reason is quite simple: There is more news, more information, and many more details on the news and information than any other source.
Because space limitations are not a big deal with newspapers, readers find a greater variety of topics. You can find everything from the local crochet class, to a complete political analysis of a political debate.
With a newspaper, you can save, re-read, contemplate, study and share articles. With an electronic version, you may search the archive going back years.The search capabilities for a web-based newspaper are absolutely phenomenal.
For those newspapers that focus on local news and events, you will frequently find stories on your local heroes and villains. The reader chooses which he would like to follow.
With news apps, readers have more options. Readers can save articles for later reference, retrieving them at will and setting notification parameters to enable the smart phone to signal the reader whenever certain topical stories are posted by the publisher.
With a community-oriented newspaper, readers are able to form connections with the reporters and management to such a degree that they have input with the editorial staff.
At the Guilford Gazette / Howard Courier, our Assignment Board for future articles is filled with suggestions from subscribers.
While radio and television news has its place, a viewer must often sit through news segments and features, which have no appeal to the viewer. Also, there are the time-consuming commercial breaks. They are much needed, but the viewer is in a holding pattern for several minutes.
With newspapers, no such irritations exist. You, the reader, are in total control of content consumption. If you lack interest in an article, simply skip it. If you think you may have interest, but half-way through you discover, “I don’t like this article,” simply skip it. The reader is never a hostage to the newspaper.
Unless a news website has pop-up or interstitial advertisements, the reader is never forced to endure commercial interruptions.
Typically, if an advertisement is of interest, the reader interrupts his reading pleasure by clicking the ad. His choice.
There are so many practical reasons to support local physical and digital newspapers – especially in Howard County, Maryland.
In this space, we’ll regularly explore more of those reasons.
Ricardo Whitaker – Owner/Publisher
The Time is Now for a Local News Source
Someone said, “There’s not much news in Howard County”
Invest in Your Community
As a reader of the Guilford Gazette, you are most likely vested in your community. Here at Maryland Newspapers LLC, we’re also vested. We are in the throes of adding a new asset, the Howard Courier.
With this new entity, we will cover and report news and information from the west to the east side of Howard County.
Our plan calls for up to eight reporters covering everything from Government to restaurants and much more.
But, to be honest, we need a bit of help from you today. With your donation, we can complete the build of our website and jumpstart our marketing efforts.
If you are interested or just curious, click the link below to review our donation page. Using PayPal or credit card, the transaction will only take a few minutes of your time.
The investment you make towards Howard Courier is indeed an investment in your community.
Ricardo Whitaker | Owner / Publisher